Learn Node Js MCQs

Prepare Node Js MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

What is the purpose of `stream.finished()` in Node.js?

1) To indicate that the stream is about to close

2) To start a stream

3) To check if a stream has finished

4) To destroy a stream

Answer : Option 3

How do you handle signal events in Node.js?

1) process.onSignal()

2) process.signal()

3) process.on()

4) process.handle()

Answer : Option 3

Which method is used to create a child process in Node.js?

1) process.fork()

2) process.spawn()

3) child_process.spawn()

4) child_process.run()

Answer : Option 3

What does the `path.extname()` method return?

1) The file name

2) The directory name

3) The extension of a file

4) The full path of a file

Answer : Option 3

How do you convert a callback-based function to return a promise in Node.js?

1) util.promisifyify()

2) util.promise()

3) util.promisify()

4) util.callbackify()

Answer : Option 3

Which method is used to encode a URL in Node.js?

1) url.stringify()

2) url.resolve()

3) encodeURIComponent()

4) url.encode()

Answer : Option 3

What does the `stream.pipeline()` method do?

1) Closes a stream

2) Opens a stream

3) Pipes a series of streams together

4) Destroys a stream

Answer : Option 3

Which module in Node.js is used to provide cryptographic functionality?

1) secure

2) cipher

3) crypto

4) encryptor

Answer : Option 3

How do you catch all unhandled promise rejections in a Node.js application?

1) promise.catch()

2) process.onUnhandled()

3) process.reject()

4) process.on('unhandledRejection')

Answer : Option 3

What is the purpose of `http.get()` in Node.js?

1) To send data to a server

2) To create an HTTP server

3) To make a GET request to an HTTP server

4) To create an HTTP client

Answer : Option 3