Learn Node Js MCQs

Prepare Node Js MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

What is the purpose of the `fs.unlinkSync()` method?

1) To delete a file synchronously

2) To rename a file

3) To copy a file

4) To move a file

Answer : Option 1

Which Node.js module is used for zlib compression?

1) zlib

2) http

3) fs

4) path

Answer : Option 1

How do you create a new directory asynchronously in Node.js?

1) Using `fs.mkdir()`

2) Using `fs.mkdirSync()`

3) Using `fs.writeFile()`

4) Using `fs.open()`

Answer : Option 1

What does `path.dirname()` return?

1) The directory name of a path

2) The base name of a path

3) The extension of a path

4) The full path

Answer : Option 1

What does the `assert.strictEqual()` method do?

1) Asserts that two values are strictly equal

2) Asserts that two values are loosely equal

3) Asserts that a value is true

4) Asserts that a value is false

Answer : Option 1

How do you create a custom event emitter in Node.js?

1) By extending the `EventEmitter` class

2) By using the `events` module directly

3) By using the `util` module

4) By using the `stream` module

Answer : Option 1

What is the purpose of `Buffer.from()`?

1) To create a buffer from various inputs

2) To allocate a new buffer of a specified size

3) To compare two buffers

4) To concatenate multiple buffers

Answer : Option 1

How do you set a timeout in Node.js?

1) Using `setTimeout()`

2) Using `clearTimeout()`

3) Using `setInterval()`

4) Using `process.nextTick()`

Answer : Option 1

What does the `http.METHODS` array contain?

1) A list of HTTP request methods supported by Node.js

2) A list of HTTP status codes

3) A list of HTTP header fields

4) A list of HTTP response codes

Answer : Option 1

How do you create a writable stream in Node.js?

1) Using `stream.Writable` class

2) Using `stream.Readable` class

3) Using `stream.Transform` class

4) Using `fs.createWriteStream()`

Answer : Option 4