Learn Node Js MCQs

Prepare Node Js MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

How do you handle uncaught exceptions in Node.js?

1) Using `process.on('uncaughtException', callback)`

2) Using `try/catch` blocks

3) Using error middleware

4) Using `domain` module

Answer : Option 1

What is the purpose of the `express.static()` middleware?

1) To serve static files

2) To parse JSON data

3) To handle form submissions

4) To manage sessions

Answer : Option 1

Which module is used to generate and manage unique IDs in Node.js?

1) uuid

2) crypto

3) random

4) idgen

Answer : Option 1

How do you handle multiple routes in Express.js?

1) Using `app.route()`

2) Using `app.use()`

3) Using `app.all()`

4) Using `app.get()` and `app.post()`

Answer : Option 2

What is the purpose of the `res.status()` method in Express.js?

1) To set the HTTP response status code

2) To send a response body

3) To redirect the client

4) To parse incoming data

Answer : Option 1

How do you execute asynchronous code sequentially in Node.js?

1) Using `async/await`

2) Using callback functions

3) Using Promises

4) Using `process.nextTick()`

Answer : Option 1

What does the `fs.rename()` method do?

1) Renames a file or directory

2) Deletes a file

3) Reads a file

4) Writes data to a file

Answer : Option 1

Which Node.js function is used to read a file asynchronously?

1) fs.readFile()

2) fs.open()

3) fs.createReadStream()

4) fs.readFileSync()

Answer : Option 1

How do you set response headers in Express.js?

1) Using `res.set()`

2) Using `res.headers()`

3) Using `res.header()`

4) Using `res.configure()`

Answer : Option 1

What does `npm install` do?

1) Installs dependencies listed in package.json

2) Updates dependencies

3) Uninstalls packages

4) Executes scripts

Answer : Option 1