Learn Node Js MCQs

Prepare Node Js MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

What is the `app.listen()` method used for in Express.js?

1) To start the server and listen on a specified port

2) To handle HTTP requests

3) To define routes

4) To manage middleware

Answer : Option 1

How do you handle CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) in Node.js?

1) By using the `cors` middleware

2) By setting headers manually

3) By configuring the server

4) By modifying request parameters

Answer : Option 1

What does the `npm outdated` command do?

1) Lists outdated packages in your project

2) Updates packages

3) Installs new packages

4) Removes packages

Answer : Option 1

How do you perform a GET request in Node.js?

1) Using the `http` module

2) Using the `request` module

3) Using the `fetch` API

4) Using the `axios` library

Answer : Option 1

What is the purpose of the `debug` package in Node.js?

1) To enable debug logging

2) To handle HTTP requests

3) To manage file systems

4) To parse JSON data

Answer : Option 1

How do you test a Node.js application?

1) Using testing frameworks like Mocha or Jest

2) Using manual testing

3) Using integration testing tools

4) Using system monitoring tools

Answer : Option 1

What is the `npm ci` command used for?

1) To install dependencies from a package-lock.json file

2) To update packages

3) To run scripts

4) To clear npm cache

Answer : Option 1

How do you handle session management in Node.js?

1) Using session middleware like `express-session`

2) Using `body-parser`

3) Using `cookie-parser`

4) Using `morgan`

Answer : Option 1

What does the `fs.stat()` method return?

1) Information about a file or directory

2) The contents of a file

3) The file name

4) The file path

Answer : Option 1

How do you use the `buffer` module in Node.js?

1) To work with binary data

2) To manage file systems

3) To handle HTTP requests

4) To parse URLs

Answer : Option 1