Learn Node Js MCQs

Prepare Node Js MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

What is the `app.listen()` method used for in Express.js?

1) To start the server and listen for incoming requests

2) To define routes

3) To handle middleware

4) To manage sessions

Answer : Option 1

How do you ensure that your Node.js application is scalable?

1) By using clustering and load balancing

2) By optimizing synchronous code

3) By using single-threaded processes

4) By limiting the number of requests

Answer : Option 1

What does the `fs.readFileSync()` method do?

1) Reads the entire file contents synchronously

2) Reads the file asynchronously

3) Creates a readable stream

4) Opens a file

Answer : Option 1

How do you use the `http` module to make an HTTP request?

1) By using `http.request()`

2) By using `http.get()`

3) By using `http.createServer()`

4) By using `http.send()`

Answer : Option 1

What is the role of the `process.argv` array in Node.js?

1) To handle command-line arguments

2) To manage environment variables

3) To handle HTTP requests

4) To read files

Answer : Option 1

How do you handle authentication in a Node.js application?

1) Using authentication middleware like Passport

2) Using custom authentication code

3) Using `http` module

4) Using `fs` module

Answer : Option 1

What does the `url.format()` method do?

1) Formats a URL object into a URL string

2) Parses a URL string into an object

3) Handles HTTP requests

4) Manages file systems

Answer : Option 1

How do you define and use environment variables in a Node.js application?

1) By using `.env` files and `dotenv` package

2) By hardcoding values in code

3) By using `config` module

4) By setting system environment variables

Answer : Option 1

What is the purpose of the `crypto` module in Node.js?

1) To provide cryptographic functionality

2) To handle HTTP requests

3) To manage file systems

4) To parse URLs

Answer : Option 1

How do you handle real-time communication in Node.js?

1) Using WebSockets or libraries like Socket.io

2) Using HTTP requests

3) Using file system operations

4) Using standard input/output

Answer : Option 1