Learn Node Js MCQs
Prepare Node Js MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.
What does `os.arch()` method return?
1) The operating system’s CPU architecture
2) The operating system’s release version
3) The system’s hostname
4) The system’s total memory
Answer : Option 1
How do you check if a file exists in Node.js?
1) Using `fs.existsSync()`
2) Using `fs.readFile()`
3) Using `fs.writeFile()`
4) Using `fs.mkdirSync()`
Answer : Option 1
What is the purpose of the `util.format()` method?
1) To format a string using placeholders
2) To inherit prototype methods
3) To create a buffer from a string
4) To parse a URL string
Answer : Option 1
How do you create a directory synchronously in Node.js?
1) Using `fs.mkdirSync()`
2) Using `fs.mkdir()`
3) Using `fs.rmdirSync()`
4) Using `fs.readdirSync()`
Answer : Option 1
What does the `process.hrtime()` method return?
1) The current high-resolution real time
2) The process ID
3) The current working directory
4) The system’s uptime
Answer : Option 1
How do you make an HTTP POST request in Node.js?
1) Using `http.request()` with method set to POST
2) Using `http.get()`
3) Using `http.createServer()`
4) Using `http.fetch()`
Answer : Option 1
What does `os.cpus()` return?
1) An array of objects containing information about each CPU/core
2) The total memory of the system
3) The system’s hostname
4) The system’s architecture
Answer : Option 1
How do you handle unhandled promise rejections?
1) By using `process.on('unhandledRejection', ...)`
2) By using `process.on('rejectionHandled', ...)`
3) By using `process.exit()`
4) By using `process.nextTick()`
Answer : Option 1
What is the purpose of the `http.STATUS_CODES` object?
1) To provide a mapping of HTTP status codes to status messages
2) To provide a list of HTTP request methods
3) To provide a list of HTTP header fields
4) To provide a list of HTTP response types
Answer : Option 1
How do you parse a URL in Node.js?
1) Using `url.parse()`
2) Using `url.format()`
3) Using `url.resolve()`
4) Using `url.searchParams()`
Answer : Option 1