Prepare AWS CLOUD MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

Which AWS service provides a fully managed, scalable data warehouse?

1) Amazon RDS

2) Amazon Redshift

3) Amazon DynamoDB

4) AWS Lambda

Answer : Option 2

What is AWS Batch used for?

1) Batch processing of jobs

2) Content delivery

3) Data warehousing

4) Compute resources

Answer : Option 3

Which AWS service helps with disaster recovery planning?

1) AWS Backup

2) Amazon RDS

3) AWS Lambda

4) Amazon S3

Answer : Option 2

What does AWS OpsWorks provide?

1) Configuration management

2) Object storage

3) Content delivery

4) Data warehousing

Answer : Option 3

Which AWS service allows for distributed machine learning training?

1) Amazon SageMaker

2) AWS Lambda

3) Amazon S3

4) Amazon RDS

Answer : Option 2

What is the purpose of AWS CodeStar?

1) Project management for DevOps

2) Networking

3) Data storage

4) Compute resources

Answer : Option 2

Which AWS service provides security monitoring and automation?

1) AWS Security Hub

2) Amazon RDS

3) AWS Lambda

4) Amazon S3

Answer : Option 3

What does Amazon WorkDocs offer?

1) Document collaboration

2) Data warehousing

3) Content delivery

4) Compute resources

Answer : Option 3

Which service provides a scalable, fully managed file system?

1) Amazon S3

2) Amazon EFS

3) Amazon RDS

4) AWS Lambda

Answer : Option 2

What is AWS Lake Formation used for?

1) Building and managing data lakes

2) Content delivery

3) Compute resources

4) Networking

Answer : Option 2