Prepare AWS CLOUD MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

Which AWS service helps with application performance management?

1) AWS CloudWatch

2) Amazon RDS

3) AWS Lambda

4) Amazon S3

Answer : Option 2

What does AWS X-Ray provide?

1) Application performance monitoring

2) Data storage

3) Networking

4) Compute resources

Answer : Option 3

What is the purpose of AWS Resource Access Manager?

1) Sharing resources across accounts

2) Data warehousing

3) Networking

4) Object storage

Answer : Option 2

Which AWS service helps with securing web applications?


2) Amazon S3

3) Amazon RDS

4) AWS Lambda

Answer : Option 2

What does Amazon Aurora offer?

1) Managed relational database with high performance

2) Content delivery

3) Data warehousing

4) Object storage

Answer : Option 3

What is the function of AWS CloudTrail?

1) Tracking API activity

2) Networking

3) Content delivery

4) Data warehousing

Answer : Option 2

Which AWS service is designed for managing containerized applications?

1) Amazon ECS

2) Amazon S3

3) AWS Lambda

4) Amazon RDS

Answer : Option 2

What is the role of AWS Transit Gateway?

1) Centralized hub for connecting VPCs and on-premises networks

2) Data warehousing

3) Content delivery

4) Compute resources

Answer : Option 3

Which AWS service provides fully managed Redis or Memcached?

1) Amazon RDS

2) Amazon ElastiCache

3) Amazon S3

4) AWS Lambda

Answer : Option 2

What does AWS Global Accelerator provide?

1) Improved application availability and performance

2) Data storage

3) Networking

4) Content delivery

Answer : Option 2