Prepare AWS CLOUD MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

What is the purpose of Amazon Route 53?

1) Compute resources

2) Networking

3) Content delivery

4) DNS and domain name registration

Answer : Option 4

Which AWS service offers serverless computing?

1) AWS Lambda

2) Amazon S3

3) Amazon RDS

4) Amazon EC2

Answer : Option 1

What does AWS Secrets Manager provide?

1) Networking

2) Content delivery

3) Compute resources

4) Manage secrets and credentials

Answer : Option 4

Which service is used to create global databases?

1) Amazon Aurora Global Database

2) Amazon S3

3) Amazon RDS

4) AWS Lambda

Answer : Option 1

What is the purpose of AWS Elastic Load Balancing?

1) Distribute incoming traffic across multiple targets

2) Networking

3) Compute resources

4) Object storage

Answer : Option 1

Which AWS service provides a virtual firewall?

1) Amazon VPC


3) Amazon RDS

4) AWS Lambda

Answer : Option 2

What does AWS Step Functions provide?

1) Networking

2) Content delivery

3) Serverless orchestration of AWS services

4) Compute resources

Answer : Option 3

Which service is used for distributed denial of service (DDoS) protection?

1) Amazon CloudFront

2) AWS Shield

3) Amazon RDS

4) AWS Lambda

Answer : Option 2

What is the purpose of AWS Artifact?

1) Networking

2) Compute resources

3) On-demand access to AWS compliance reports

4) Content delivery

Answer : Option 3

Which AWS service provides managed DNS services?

1) Amazon S3

2) AWS Route 53

3) Amazon RDS

4) AWS Lambda

Answer : Option 2