Prepare AWS CLOUD MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

What does AWS Elastic Beanstalk provide?

1) Platform as a Service (PaaS)

2) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

3) Database management

4) Load balancing

Answer : Option 1

What is AWS Step Functions used for?

1) Coordination of microservices

2) Data storage

3) Monitoring resources

4) Load balancing

Answer : Option 1

Which AWS service is used for managing DNS?

1) Amazon Route 53

2) Amazon EC2

3) Amazon RDS

4) Amazon S3

Answer : Option 1

What is the purpose of AWS OpsWorks?

1) Configuration management service

2) Load balancing

3) Monitoring resources

4) Database management

Answer : Option 1

Which AWS service is a fully managed NoSQL database?

1) Amazon DynamoDB

2) Amazon RDS

3) Amazon S3

4) Amazon Aurora

Answer : Option 1

What is the primary benefit of AWS Lambda?

1) Serverless architecture

2) High cost

3) Complex setup

4) Limited resources

Answer : Option 1

What does AWS Cost Explorer help with?

1) Analyzing spending patterns

2) Managing instances

3) Monitoring resources

4) Data storage

Answer : Option 1

What is Amazon WorkSpaces used for?

1) Desktop as a Service (DaaS)

2) Load balancing

3) Database management

4) Monitoring

Answer : Option 1

What does Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) provide?

1) Managed file storage for EC2 instances

2) Load balancing

3) Database management

4) Data transfer

Answer : Option 1

Which AWS service provides a managed message queuing service?

1) Amazon SQS

2) Amazon SNS

3) Amazon RDS

4) Amazon EC2

Answer : Option 1