Prepare AWS CLOUD MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

Which service allows for automatic provisioning of resources?

1) AWS Auto Scaling

2) AWS Lambda

3) Amazon EC2

4) Amazon RDS

Answer : Option 1

What is the purpose of AWS Data Exchange?

1) Accessing third-party data sources

2) Load balancing

3) Database management

4) Monitoring

Answer : Option 1

Which AWS service helps with resource provisioning and management?

1) AWS CloudFormation

2) AWS Lambda

3) Amazon EC2

4) Amazon RDS

Answer : Option 1

What does AWS App Runner do?

1) Deploys and runs containerized applications

2) Load balancing

3) Database management

4) Monitoring

Answer : Option 1

Which AWS service provides a fully managed Apache Kafka service?

1) Amazon MSK

2) Amazon Kinesis

3) Amazon S3

4) AWS Lambda

Answer : Option 1

What is the purpose of AWS CloudTrail?

1) Tracking API calls and account activity

2) Load balancing

3) Monitoring

4) Database management

Answer : Option 1

Which service provides a managed service for deploying applications in containers?

1) Amazon ECS

2) Amazon EKS

3) AWS Lambda

4) Amazon EC2

Answer : Option 1

What is the purpose of AWS CodePipeline?

1) Continuous integration and delivery service

2) Load balancing

3) Monitoring

4) Database management

Answer : Option 1

What is Amazon S3 primarily used for?

1) Compute services

2) Object storage

3) Database services

4) Networking

Answer : Option 2

Which AWS service allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers?

1) Amazon EC2

2) Amazon S3

3) AWS Lambda

4) Amazon RDS

Answer : Option 3