Learn React Js MCQs

Prepare React Js MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

What is a key benefit of using JSX in React?

1) It automatically manages state

2) It provides server-side rendering

3) It provides a clear, readable syntax for defining UI structures

4) It handles routing

Answer : Option 3

What is the purpose of the `useImperativeHandle` hook?

1) To manage state

2) To customize the instance value that is exposed to parent components when using refs

3) To handle side effects

4) To optimize performance

Answer : Option 2

How do you update state based on previous state in a functional component?

1) Using `setState` directly

2) Using a callback function in `setState`

3) Using the `useReducer` hook

4) Using `useContext`

Answer : Option 2

What is the purpose of the `React.Children` utility?

1) To clone elements

2) To map over children components

3) To handle side effects

4) To manage state

Answer : Option 2

How do you access props in a class component?

1) Using `this.props`

2) Using `this.state`

3) Using `this.context`

4) Using `this.refs`

Answer : Option 1

What does the `useLayoutEffect` hook do?

1) Executes a function after all DOM mutations

2) Handles side effects after rendering

3) Manages component state

4) Optimizes performance

Answer : Option 1

How do you prevent a component from rendering?

1) Using `componentDidUpdate`

2) Returning `null` in the `render` method

3) Using `useMemo`

4) Using `useEffect`

Answer : Option 2

What is the purpose of the `getDerivedStateFromProps` lifecycle method?

1) To handle side effects

2) To update the state based on props

3) To prevent rendering

4) To manage context

Answer : Option 2

How do you force a component to re-render?

1) Using `this.forceUpdate()`

2) Using `this.setState()`

3) Using `useEffect`

4) Using `useState`

Answer : Option 1

What is the purpose of the `componentDidCatch` lifecycle method?

1) To handle side effects

2) To catch errors in the component tree

3) To update the state

4) To manage props

Answer : Option 2