Learn React Js MCQs

Prepare React Js MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

How do you handle form submissions in React?

1) Using `context` API

2) Using controlled components and `onSubmit` event handler

3) Using `onClick` event handler

4) Using `setState`

Answer : Option 2

What is a controlled component in React?

1) A component where form data is handled by React state

2) A component with a ref

3) A component that cannot be modified

4) A component where form data is handled by the DOM

Answer : Option 1

How do you lift state up in React?

1) By using `this.state`

2) By creating a new context

3) By using refs

4) By passing the state to a parent component and managing it there

Answer : Option 4

What does the `useEffect` hook return?

1) The updated state

2) A boolean value

3) An optional cleanup function

4) An array of dependencies

Answer : Option 3

What is the purpose of the `shouldComponentUpdate` lifecycle method?

1) To fetch data from an API

2) To manage state updates

3) To control whether the component should re-render

4) To handle side effects

Answer : Option 3

How do you fetch data in a React component?

1) Using `useEffect` with an async function

2) Using `componentWillMount`

3) Using `useState` hook

4) Using `context` API

Answer : Option 1

What does `ReactDOM.render` do?

1) Renders a React element into the DOM

2) Updates the virtual DOM

3) Handles routing in React

4) Creates a React component

Answer : Option 1

How do you create a class component in React?

1) By using the `useEffect` hook

2) By using the `useState` hook

3) By creating a function

4) By extending `React.Component`

Answer : Option 4

What is JSX in React?

1) A syntax extension that looks similar to HTML

2) A new type of JavaScript

3) A function in React

4) A method for state management

Answer : Option 1

How do you handle events in React?

1) Using the `addEventListener` method

2) Using event handlers in JSX

3) Using `window.addEventListener`

4) Using `document.getElementById`

Answer : Option 2