Learn React Js MCQs

Prepare React Js MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

How do you use a custom hook in React?

1) By importing it and using it like any other hook

2) By extending `React.Component`

3) By using `useState`

4) By using `useEffect`

Answer : Option 1

What is the purpose of `useDeferredValue` hook in React?

1) To manage state

2) To defer updating a value until after a higher priority update

3) To create a new context

4) To handle side effects

Answer : Option 2

How do you pass data to a component in React?

1) Using `useState`

2) Using props

3) Using context

4) Using refs

Answer : Option 2

What is the purpose of the `useDebugValue` hook?

1) To handle side effects

2) To optimize performance

3) To display custom hook debugging information in React DevTools

4) To create a new context

Answer : Option 3

How do you handle asynchronous operations in React?

1) Using `setState`

2) Using `useEffect` with async functions

3) Using `useState`

4) Using `context`

Answer : Option 2

What is the purpose of `React.forwardRef`?

1) To handle side effects

2) To pass refs through a component to its children

3) To manage state

4) To create a new context

Answer : Option 2

How do you update a ref in a functional component?

1) Using `useRef`

2) Using `setState`

3) Using `useEffect`

4) Using `createRef`

Answer : Option 1

What does the `useReducer` hook return?

1) A context and a reducer

2) A ref and a callback

3) State and a dispatch function

4) A memoized value

Answer : Option 3

How do you handle error boundaries in functional components?

1) Using `useEffect`

2) Using `useErrorBoundary`

3) Using `componentDidCatch`

4) Using `try-catch`

Answer : Option 2

What is the purpose of `React.lazy`?

1) To manage state

2) To handle side effects

3) To code-split components and load them lazily

4) To create a new context

Answer : Option 3