Learn ASP MCQs

Prepare ASP MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

Which of the following is not an ASP built-in object?

1) Session

2) Response

3) Request

4) URL

Answer : URL

How do you create a cookie in ASP?

1) Response.Cookies("cookieName") = "value"

2) Create.Cookie("cookieName", "value")

3) Set.Cookie("cookieName", "value")

4) Response.SetCookie("cookieName", "value")

Answer : Response.Cookies("cookieName") = "value"

What is the function of the Application object in ASP?

1) To store application-wide data

2) To manage user sessions

3) To handle file uploads

4) To send responses to the client

Answer : To store application-wide data

Which operator is used for concatenation in ASP?

1) &

2) +

3) |

4) *

Answer : &

What does the Request.QueryString collection contain?

1) Data sent in the URL

2) Data sent in the body of the request

3) User session data

4) Application variables

Answer : Data sent in the URL

How do you create a new session variable in ASP?

1) Session("variableName") = value

2) Set.Session("variableName") = value

3) Create.Session("variableName", value)

4) New.Session("variableName") = value

Answer : Session("variableName") = value

Which method is used to write to the HTTP response in ASP?

1) Response.Output

2) Response.Print

3) Response.Write

4) Response.Send

Answer : Response.Write

How do you comment code in ASP?

1) ' This is a comment

2) // This is a comment

3) <!-- This is a comment -->

4) # This is a comment

Answer : ' This is a comment

What is the purpose of the Server object in ASP?

1) To manage server-side functionality

2) To store session variables

3) To send requests to clients

4) To manage user authentication

Answer : To manage server-side functionality

What does the Dim statement do in ASP?

1) Declares a variable

2) Initializes a variable

3) Creates a function

4) Defines a procedure

Answer : Declares a variable