Learn ASP MCQs

Prepare ASP MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

What will the following code output: Response.Write(5 & 2)?

1) 7

2) 52

3) Error

4) 5 2

Answer : 52

Which method is used to create a new session in ASP?

1) Session("variable") = value

2) CreateSession("variable") = value

3) Session.Create("variable")

4) NewSession("variable") = value

Answer : Session("variable") = value

What is the default scope of a session variable in ASP?

1) Session

2) Application

3) Global

4) Local

Answer : Session

How can you access the current user`s IP address in ASP?

1) Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")

2) Request.UserHostAddress

3) Client.IPAddress

4) Request.IP

Answer : Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")

Which event is triggered when a session starts in ASP?

1) Session_OnStart

2) Application_OnStart

3) Session_OnEnd

4) Application_OnEnd

Answer : Session_OnStart

How do you include an ASP file within another ASP file?

1) <!--#include file="filename.asp" -->

2) <import src="filename.asp">

3) <link href="filename.asp">

4) <script src="filename.asp"></script>

Answer : <!--#include file="filename.asp" -->

What is the correct syntax to create a constant in ASP?

1) Const ConstantName = value

2) Let ConstantName = value

3) Dim ConstantName = value

4) Define ConstantName = value

Answer : Const ConstantName = value

Which statement is used to set a response header in ASP?

1) Response.AddHeader

2) Response.Headers.Add

3) Response.SetHeader

4) Response.Add

Answer : Response.AddHeader

What is the default data type for a variable in ASP?

1) Variant

2) String

3) Integer

4) Boolean

Answer : Variant

How do you convert a string to an integer in ASP?

1) CInt("string")

2) Convert.ToInt("string")

3) Integer("string")

4) ParseInt("string")

Answer : CInt("string")