Learn ASP MCQs

Prepare ASP MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

What will the following code output: Response.Write(1 + "1")?

1) 11

2) 2

3) Error

4) 1 1

Answer : 11

How do you declare a variable in ASP?

1) Dim variableName

2) Var variableName

3) Let variableName

4) Declare variableName

Answer : Dim variableName

Which function is used to trim whitespace from a string in ASP?

1) Trim()

2) LTrim()

3) RTrim()

4) All of the above

Answer : All of the above

How do you handle errors in ASP?

1) On Error Resume Next

2) Try Catch

3) Error Handling

4) Handle Errors

Answer : On Error Resume Next

What does the Session.Timeout property specify?

1) Duration of the session

2) Session ID length

3) User inactivity period

4) Maximum number of sessions

Answer : Duration of the session

How do you redirect to another page in ASP?

1) Response.Redirect("page.asp")

2) Redirect("page.asp")

3) Response.Goto("page.asp")

4) Response.Change("page.asp")

Answer : Response.Redirect("page.asp")

Which method is used to write a cookie in ASP?

1) Response.Cookies("name")

2) Request.Cookies("name")

3) Session.Cookies("name")

4) Set-Cookie

Answer : Response.Cookies("name")

What is the function of the Server.MapPath method?

1) To get the physical path of a file

2) To redirect the user

3) To create a new file

4) To write to a file

Answer : To get the physical path of a file

How do you create a session variable in ASP?

1) Session("variable") = value

2) Dim Session("variable") = value

3) Set Session("variable") = value

4) Create Session("variable") = value

Answer : Session("variable") = value

What does the Application object store?

1) Global variables

2) User-specific data

3) Session variables

4) Cookies

Answer : Global variables