Learn ASP MCQs

Prepare ASP MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

What is the main purpose of ASP?

1) To create dynamic web pages

2) To create static web pages

3) To manage databases

4) To handle user authentication

Answer : To create dynamic web pages

Which of the following is an ASP scripting language?


2) VBScript

3) JavaScript

4) CSS

Answer : VBScript

How do you declare a variable in ASP?

1) Dim variableName

2) var variableName

3) let variableName

4) declare variableName

Answer : Dim variableName

Which method is used to send data to the client in ASP?

1) Response.Write

2) Response.Send

3) Response.Output

4) Response.Display

Answer : Response.Write

What does the Session object store?

1) User-specific data

2) Application settings

3) Global variables

4) Database connections

Answer : User-specific data

What is the default file extension for an ASP file?

1) .html

2) .asp

3) .aspx

4) .php

Answer : .asp

How can you include a file in an ASP page?

1) <!--#include file="filename.asp" -->

2) <script src="filename.asp"></script>

3) <import file="filename.asp">

4) <require file="filename.asp">

Answer : <!--#include file="filename.asp" -->

Which object is used to manage user sessions in ASP?

1) Session

2) User

3) Request

4) Response

Answer : Session

How do you retrieve a value from a form field in ASP?

1) Request.Form("fieldname")

2) Request.Field("fieldname")

3) Form("fieldname")

4) Get("fieldname")

Answer : Request.Form("fieldname")

What is the purpose of the Response.Redirect method?

1) To redirect the client to another URL

2) To end the current session

3) To output text to the client

4) To refresh the page

Answer : To redirect the client to another URL