Learn ASP MCQs

Prepare ASP MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

Which ASP object is used to manage application-level variables?

1) Application

2) Session

3) Request

4) Response

Answer : Application

How can you create an ASP file?

1) Any text editor

2) Microsoft Word

3) Notepad only

4) Visual Studio only

Answer : Any text editor

What is the default script language for ASP?

1) VBScript

2) JavaScript

3) PHP

4) Python

Answer : VBScript

Which function is used to replace a string in ASP?

1) Replace()

2) StringReplace()

3) Substitute()

4) ChangeString()

Answer : Replace()

How do you write a server-side script in ASP?

1) Using <% %>

2) Using //

3) Using <!-- -->

4) Using /* */

Answer : Using <% %>

What does the Server.Execute method do?

1) Executes another ASP page

2) Redirects to another page

3) Includes a file

4) Runs a script

Answer : Executes another ASP page

Which of the following is NOT a valid way to include a file in ASP?

1) <!--#include file="filename.asp" -->

2) <script src="filename.asp"></script>

3) <!--#include virtual="filename.asp" -->

4) None of the above

Answer : <script src="filename.asp"></script>

What does the Session.SessionID property represent?

1) Unique identifier for a session

2) ID of the current request

3) ID of the user

4) ID of the application

Answer : Unique identifier for a session

What is the purpose of the Request.QueryString collection?

1) To retrieve query string values

2) To send data to the client

3) To handle cookies

4) To manage sessions

Answer : To retrieve query string values

How can you loop through all cookies in ASP?

1) For Each cookie in Request.Cookies

2) For cookie in Cookies

3) For cookie in Request

4) For Each cookie in Cookies

Answer : For Each cookie in Request.Cookies