Learn MongoDB MCQs

Prepare MongoDB MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

Which operator is used to merge two collections in MongoDB?

1) $merge

2) $join

3) $combine

4) $union

Answer : Option 1

Which command is used to create a user in MongoDB?

1) db.createUser()

2) db.user.create()

3) addUser()

4) db.createAccount()

Answer : Option 1

What is the purpose of the `$sort` stage in MongoDB aggregation?

1) To sort documents

2) To group documents

3) To filter documents

4) To limit documents

Answer : Option 1

Which method is used to check if a document exists in a collection?

1) db.collection_name.exists()

2) db.collection_name.find()

3) db.collection_name.findOne()

4) db.collection_name.search()

Answer : Option 3

What is the command to get the MongoDB version?

1) db.version()

2) mongo --version

3) db.getVersion()

4) mongo.version()

Answer : Option 1

Which of the following is a MongoDB cloud service?

1) MongoDB Atlas

2) MongoDB Cloud

3) MongoDB Online

4) MongoDB Web

Answer : Option 1

What does the command `db.collection_name.update({field: value}, {$set: {field2: newValue}})` do?

1) Updates field2 in documents matching the condition

2) Deletes field2 from documents

3) Finds documents

4) Inserts new documents

Answer : Option 1

Which method is used to remove all documents from a collection in MongoDB?

1) db.collection_name.deleteMany()

2) db.collection_name.removeAll()

3) db.collection_name.clear()

4) db.collection_name.drop()

Answer : Option 1

What does the command `db.collection_name.countDocuments()` return?

1) The count of documents in a collection

2) The total size of documents

3) The average size of documents

4) The list of document IDs

Answer : Option 1

Which operator is used to perform an AND condition in MongoDB?

1) $and

2) $or

3) $nor

4) $not

Answer : Option 1