Learn MongoDB MCQs

Prepare MongoDB MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

Which of the following is a feature of MongoDB?

1) Schema-less data storage

2) Strict schema enforcement

3) Complex SQL queries

4) Only document-based storage

Answer : Option 1

Which method is used to update a document in a collection?

1) db.collection_name.modify()

2) db.collection_name.update()

3) db.collection_name.change()

4) db.collection_name.edit()

Answer : Option 2

What does the command `db.collection_name.find({field: {$lt: value}})` do?

1) Finds documents where field is less than value

2) Finds documents where field is greater than value

3) Finds documents where field equals value

4) Finds documents where field does not exist

Answer : Option 1

What is the purpose of the `MongoDB Aggregation Framework`?

1) To perform data processing and analysis

2) To create indexes

3) To manage collections

4) To connect to databases

Answer : Option 1

Which operator is used to perform a bitwise AND operation in MongoDB?

1) $bit

2) $and

3) $or

4) $not

Answer : Option 1

Which command is used to rename a collection in MongoDB?

1) db.collection_name.renameCollection()

2) db.collection_name.changeName()

3) db.collection_name.updateName()

4) db.collection_name.rename()

Answer : Option 1

What does the `find().limit(n)` method do?

1) Limits the number of documents returned to n

2) Sorts documents

3) Filters documents

4) Groups documents

Answer : Option 1

Which command is used to create a backup of a MongoDB database?

1) mongodump

2) db.backup()

3) backup database_name

4) db.createBackup()

Answer : Option 1

What is the function of the `$match` stage in MongoDB aggregation?

1) Filters documents based on a specified condition

2) Groups documents

3) Sorts documents

4) Writes output to a collection

Answer : Option 1

Which method is used to aggregate data in MongoDB?

1) db.collection_name.aggregate()

2) db.collection_name.group()

3) db.collection_name.collect()

4) db.collection_name.combine()

Answer : Option 1