Learn Drupal MCQs

Prepare Drupal MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

Which function is used to redirect users to a different page in Drupal?

1) drupal_goto()

2) redirect_user()

3) drupal_redirect()

4) goto_page()

Answer : drupal_goto()

What does `hook_entity_insert()` do?

1) Runs after an entity is saved

2) Runs before an entity is saved

3) Creates a new entity

4) Deletes an entity

Answer : Runs after an entity is saved

What file defines a theme in Drupal 8?

1) .info.yml

2) .theme

3) .info

4) .theme.info

Answer : .info.yml

What is the function used to get the current user in Drupal?

1) user_load_current()

2) user_current()

3) user_load()

4) current_user()

Answer : user_load_current()

What does the `hook_preprocess_HOOK()` function allow you to do?

1) Prepare variables for templates

2) Create new hooks

3) Delete hooks

4) Manage user permissions

Answer : Prepare variables for templates

Which of the following is a way to define routes in Drupal?

1) YAML files

2) PHP files

3) HTML files

4) XML files

Answer : YAML files

What is the purpose of the `hook_menu_local_tasks_alter()` function?

1) To alter local tasks

2) To create menu items

3) To delete menu items

4) To define permissions

Answer : To alter local tasks

What is the function used to render a form in Drupal?

1) drupal_get_form()

2) form_render()

3) render_form()

4) drupal_render_form()

Answer : drupal_get_form()

In Drupal, what is the primary function of `hook_theme()`?

1) To define theme hooks

2) To create templates

3) To alter themes

4) To manage styles

Answer : To define theme hooks

Which command is used to check the status of Drupal modules in Drush?

1) drush pm-status

2) drush status

3) drush module-status

4) drush check-status

Answer : drush pm-status