Learn Drupal MCQs

Prepare Drupal MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

Which command in Drush is used to install a module?

1) drush en

2) drush install

3) drush mod-install

4) drush module-enable

Answer : drush en

What does `hook_node_insert()` allow you to do?

1) Perform actions when a node is inserted

2) Delete nodes

3) Update nodes

4) Create new node types

Answer : Perform actions when a node is inserted

What is the purpose of `hook_preprocess_node()` in Drupal?

1) Prepares variables for node templates

2) Creates new nodes

3) Deletes nodes

4) Displays node content

Answer : Prepares variables for node templates

Which function is used to get a field value from a node in Drupal?

1) field_get_value()

2) node_field()

3) node_get_field()

4) get_field_value()

Answer : field_get_value()

What does `hook_menu_links_discovered_alter()` allow you to do?

1) Modify menu links

2) Create new menu links

3) Delete menu links

4) Manage menu access

Answer : Modify menu links

Which file defines services in a Drupal module?

1) module.services.yml

2) module.services.yaml

3) module.services.txt

4) module.services.php

Answer : module.services.yml

What is the function used to check user permissions in Drupal?

1) user_access()

2) drupal_check_access()

3) user_permission()

4) check_permission()

Answer : user_access()

Which Drush command is used to rebuild the Drupal cache?

1) drush cr

2) drush cache-rebuild

3) drush cc all

4) drush cache-clear

Answer : drush cr

What does `hook_entity_presave()` do in Drupal?

1) Performs actions before saving an entity

2) Deletes an entity

3) Updates an entity

4) Creates a new entity

Answer : Performs actions before saving an entity

What is the command to check for available updates in Drupal using Drush?

1) drush pm-updatestatus

2) drush pm-update

3) drush updatestatus

4) drush check-updates

Answer : drush pm-updatestatus