Learn Drupal MCQs
Prepare Drupal MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.
What is the default theme engine used in Drupal 8?
1) Twig
2) PHPTemplate
3) Smarty
4) None of the above
Answer : Twig
Which of the following is a valid way to implement caching in Drupal?
1) Using Cache API
2) Using Views
3) Using custom modules
4) All of the above
Answer : All of the above
What is the command to disable a module in Drupal using Drush?
1) drush dis module_name
2) drush disable module_name
3) drush module-disable
4) drush rm module_name
Answer : drush dis module_name
What is the function used to load a node in Drupal?
1) node_load()
2) load_node()
3) get_node()
4) drupal_node()
Answer : node_load()
Which of the following is a common way to add CSS in Drupal 8?
1) Using `drupal_add_css()`
2) Using `libraries.yml`
3) Using `theme-settings.php`
4) Using `hook_css_alter()`
Answer : Using `libraries.yml`
What is the primary role of the `hook_help()` function?
1) To provide help text
2) To create custom routes
3) To alter forms
4) To manage permissions
Answer : To provide help text
In Drupal, what does `hook_node_insert()` do?
1) Runs after a node is created
2) Runs before a node is created
3) Runs when a node is deleted
4) None of the above
Answer : Runs after a node is created
What is the primary purpose of `hook_preprocess_node()`?
1) To modify the output of a node
2) To create a new node
3) To delete a node
4) To manage users
Answer : To modify the output of a node
Which command is used to install a module using Drush?
1) drush en module_name
2) drush install module_name
3) drush activate module_name
4) drush module-enable module_name
Answer : drush en module_name
What is the function used to check if a user has a specific permission?
1) user_access()
2) has_permission()
3) check_permission()
4) access_user()
Answer : user_access()