Learn Drupal MCQs
Prepare Drupal MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.
What does `hook_views_query_alter()` do?
1) Alters the database query for a view
2) Creates a new view
3) Deletes a view
4) Manages view settings
Answer : Creates a new view
What is the purpose of `hook_form_alter()`?
1) Modify existing forms
2) Create new forms
3) Delete forms
4) Manage form settings
Answer : Delete forms
What is a theme in Drupal?
1) A way to change the appearance of a site
2) A type of content
3) A user role
4) A module
Answer : A type of content
What does `drupal_flush_all_caches()` do?
1) Clears all caches
2) Creates new caches
3) Deletes caches
4) Manages cache settings
Answer : Creates new caches
Which command in Drush can be used to run cron jobs?
1) drush cron
2) drush run-cron
3) drush execute-cron
4) drush cron-job
Answer : drush cron
What is the purpose of `hook_views_post_build()`?
1) Run after a view is built
2) Run before a view is built
3) Alter the view
4) Create a new view
Answer : Create a new view
Which module is essential for multilingual support in Drupal?
1) Locale
2) Content Translation
3) Pathauto
4) Views
Answer : Pathauto
What is the purpose of `hook_preprocess_HOOK()`?
1) Prepare variables for a specific hook
2) Create new hooks
3) Delete hooks
4) Manage hooks
Answer : Create new hooks
What does the `hook_node_view_alter()` function do?
1) Alters the display of nodes
2) Creates new nodes
3) Deletes nodes
4) Manages node permissions
Answer : Manages node permissions
Which command is used to enable a module in Drush?
1) drush en module_name
2) drush module-enable module_name
3) drush enable module_name
4) drush pm-enable module_name
Answer : drush pm-enable module_name