Learn Drupal MCQs

Prepare Drupal MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

Which command is used to install a Drupal site using Drush?

1) drush site-install

2) drush install

3) drush site-setup

4) drush setup

Answer : drush site-install

What does `hook_theme()` define in a module?

1) Theme hooks and templates

2) Form submissions

3) User permissions

4) Menu items

Answer : Theme hooks and templates

What is the purpose of the `hook_form_FORM_ID_alter()` function?

1) To alter specific forms

2) To create forms

3) To delete forms

4) To manage form permissions

Answer : To alter specific forms

What command would you use to update the database schema in Drupal?

1) drush updatedb

2) drush db-update

3) drush update-schema

4) drush db-upgrade

Answer : drush updatedb

What does the `hook_page_attachments()` function do?

1) Add CSS/JS files to pages

2) Create new pages

3) Delete attachments

4) Manage page settings

Answer : Add CSS/JS files to pages

Which function retrieves configuration from the site in Drupal?

1) drupal_get_config()

2) config_get()

3) get_config()

4) config()

Answer : get_config()

What does the `hook_field_formatter_info()` function do?

1) Defines field formatters

2) Creates new fields

3) Deletes fields

4) Manages field settings

Answer : Defines field formatters

Which file would you use to define custom permissions in Drupal?

1) module.permissions.yml

2) module.permissions.yaml

3) permissions.yml

4) permissions.yaml

Answer : module.permissions.yml

What does the command `drush config-import` do?

1) Imports configuration from files

2) Exports configuration to files

3) Lists configuration settings

4) Clears configuration cache

Answer : Imports configuration from files

Which function is used to redirect users in Drupal?

1) drupal_goto()

2) redirect()

3) drupal_redirect()

4) user_redirect()

Answer : drupal_goto()