PHP Functions

PHP Functions is used to reuse php code. PHP Functions contains a piece of code which takes one or more parameter as input and make some processing on it and returns a value....

PHP Error Types

PHP Error is some fault or mistake in a coding program. Error may occur due to incorrect syntax or wrong logic. It is a type of mistakes or condition of having incorrect knowledge of the code. There are 4 mainly types of errors occured in PHP like Fatal Error, Syntax Error or Parse Error, Warning Error, Notice Error ...

PHP Error Handling

Error handling is the process of catching errors occured by your program and then taking appropriate action. PHP system provides many error handling methods to manage errors occured during execution time. There are various different error handling methods like die() function, Defining Custom Error Handling Function and Error reporting ...

PHP header

The header() function sends a raw HTTP header to a client. The PHP header() function does not return any value.Learn PHP header PHP header tutorials easy....

PHP File Upload

PHP allows you to upload single and multiple files to server. Learn PHP File Upload tutorials easy. move_uploaded_file() function or copy() function is used to upload file in server. ...

PHP File Handling

PHP File System allows us to create file, read file line by line, read file character by character, write file, append file, delete file and close file. PHP provides fopen(), fclose(), fread(), fwrite(), unlink() function to manipulates files....

PHP POST and GET Method

PHP POST and GET Method are used to retrive data from another page or same page which are sent by FORM. Data sent by post request can be retrived by $_POST variable. Data sent by get request can be retrived by $_GET variable. ...

PHP Magic Constants

Magic constants are the predefined constants in PHP which is changed depending on where they are used. They start with double underscore (__) and ends with double underscore.Learn PHP Magic Constants tutorials easily....

PHP $ and $$ Variables

Assigned by $ sign variable is normal variable and $$ sign variable is reference variable. Single dollar sign ($) assigned variable ($str) stores any value like string, integer, float, data, char, double etc. Double dollar sign ($$) assigned variable ($$str) stores value of the $str inside it....

PHP Comments

PHP Comments can be used to hide portion of code line and code description in php programming code. PHP Comments line code can not be executed. programmer can use PHP Comments to describe code details....

PHP Print

PHP print statement is used to print the string, multi-line strings, escaping characters, variable, array, number etc. Learn PHP Print statement ...

PHP Break

PHP break statement stop the execution of the current Control loop Statement like for, while, do-while, switch, and for each loop. If you use break statement inside inner loop body, it breaks the execution of inner loop only. The break statement can be used to jump out of a loop.Learn PHP Break tutorials....