MYSQL UPDATE Query is used to update existing records in a table....
MYSQL UPDATE Query is used to update existing records in a table....
MySQL - insert into statement is used to insert new records in a table. Insert query doesn't have WHERE clause....
The CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new table in MYSQL database....
You have the root user access to create database in mysql. The CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a new MYSQL database....
You can establish the MySQL database server connection using the mysql command at the command prompt or using php mysql function....
PHP - MySQLi Functions - MySQL can be used with PHP programming languages. PHP provides verious function to call mysql database query....
What is MYSQL Database? MySQL is a freely available open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). Mysql database is used to store data....
Magic methods are special methods that are used to perform certain tasks in PHP. Magic methods are started with double underscore (__) as prefix. The function __construct(), __destruct(), __call(), __callStatic(), __get(), __set(), __isset(), __unset(), __sleep(), __wakeup(), __serialize(), __unserialize(), __toString(), __invoke(), __set_state(), __clone() and __debugInfo() are called as Magic Methods in php...
If method have same name and different quantities and types of parameters, then it is called as Method Overloading in most object oriented languages. But in php, magic methods are used to achieve method overloading....
The final keyword can be used to prevent class inheritance. The final keyword can be used to prevent method overriding....
If both parent and child classes have same function name with number of arguments, then it is called Method Overriding in php object oriented programming....
What is Inheritance? When the child class can inherit all the public and protected properties and methods from the parent class, it is called Inheritance....
What is difference between Abstract class and Interfaces in php?...
What is an interface in php? An interface contains All abstract methods by default. An interface doesn't have any common methods. Methods of interface do not have any implementation part. Methods of interface are only declared....
What is an abstract class in PHP? An abstract class is a class that contains at least one abstract method. An abstract method is a method that is declared, but not implemented in the code....
$this keyword is used to access properties and methods in a class. $this is uded to point to the current object of class in php....
A destructor is called when the object is destructed or release any object from its memory. You can define destructor by using __destruct function....
A constructor is a method defined inside a class which is called automatically when object is created. A constructor is used to initialize the object....
What is Access Modifiers in php oops? PHP access modifiers are used to provide access rights with PHP classes and their members that are the functions and variables defined within the class scope....
An Object is an instance of class. PHP Object is used to access properties and methods of class. A variables are called properties and functions are called methods in class....