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WordPress - Settings

In WordPress, the "Settings" menu is a crucial area where you can configure various aspects of your website. Here's an overview of the main settings you can adjust under the "Settings" menu in the WordPress admin dashboard:

  1. General Settings:

    • Site Title: The title of your website.
    • Tagline: A brief description or slogan for your site.
    • WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL): The URLs of your website.
    • Timezone: Set the timezone for your site.
    • Date Format and Time Format: Choose how dates and times are displayed on your site.
  2. Writing Settings:

    • Default Post Category: Set the default category for your posts.
    • Default Post Format: Choose a default format for your posts.
    • Post via email: Enable posting to your site via email.
    • Update Services: Ping services to notify when you publish new content.
  3. Reading Settings:

    • Front page displays: Choose whether your front page displays your latest posts or a static page.
    • Blog pages show at most: Set the number of blog posts to display on each page.
    • Syndication feeds show the most recent: Configure the number of items to show in your feeds.
  4. Discussion Settings:

    • Default article settings: Configure options for handling comments and pingbacks.
    • Other comment settings: Set options for handling comment moderation and approval.
    • Email me whenever: Receive email notifications for various comment-related events.
  5. Media Settings:

    • Image sizes: Configure default image sizes for thumbnail, medium, and large images.
    • Uploading Files: Set the directory structure for organizing uploaded files.
  6. Permalinks:

    • Common Settings: Choose the structure of your permalinks (URLs) for posts and pages.
    • Optional: Customize the structure using available tags.
  7. Privacy Settings:

    • Privacy Policy Page: Select a page to be your Privacy Policy page.
  8. Site Health:

    • Status: Check the overall health status of your site and receive recommendations for improvements.
    • Info: Display information about your server, PHP, and database versions.
    • Critical Issues: Address critical issues affecting your site's performance.
  9. Reading Settings:

    • Front page displays: Choose what content is displayed on the front page of your site.
  10. Discussion Settings:

    • Default article settings: Configure how WordPress handles comments on posts.
    • Other comment settings: Set options for comment moderation and notifications.
  11. Media Settings:

    • Image sizes: Configure the default sizes for thumbnail, medium, and large images.
  12. Permalinks:

    • Common Settings: Choose the structure of your permalinks (URLs).
  13. Privacy Settings:

    • Privacy Policy Page: Select the page that contains your Privacy Policy.
  14. Users and User Roles:

    • Your Profile: Edit your user profile settings.
    • User Roles: Manage user roles and permissions.
  15. Tools:

    • Various tools are available, such as the ability to import and export content.
  16. Export and Import:

    • Export: Allows you to export your site's content.
    • Import: Allows you to import content from another WordPress site.


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