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WordPress - Moderate Comments

Moderating comments in WordPress is an essential task to ensure that your website's comment section remains respectful, relevant, and free from spam. Here's how you can moderate comments:

Approving Comments:

  1. Login to Your WordPress Dashboard:

    • Open your web browser and navigate to the login page of your WordPress site.
    • Enter your username and password to log in.
  2. Access the Comments Section:

    • In the left sidebar, find and click on "Comments."
  3. Review Pending Comments:

    • On the "Comments" page, you'll see a list of comments awaiting moderation.
    • Comments that are pending approval are marked as "Pending" and have options to "Approve," "Reply," "Quick Edit," "Edit," "Spam," and "Trash."
  4. Approve Comments:

    • To approve a comment, hover over the comment you want to approve.
    • Click the "Approve" link that appears.

Editing or Replying to Comments:

  1. Access the Comments Section:

    • Follow the steps above to go to the "Comments" section.
  2. Edit or Reply to Comments:

    • Hover over the comment you want to edit or reply to.
    • Click "Edit" or "Reply" to make changes or respond.

Marking Comments as Spam:

  1. Access the Comments Section:

    • Follow the steps above to go to the "Comments" section.
  2. Mark Comments as Spam:

    • Hover over the comment you want to mark as spam.
    • Click the "Spam" link that appears.

Deleting Comments:

  1. Access the Comments Section:

    • Follow the steps above to go to the "Comments" section.
  2. Delete Comments:

    • Hover over the comment you want to delete.
    • Click the "Trash" link that appears.

Managing Comment Moderation Settings:

  1. Access Discussion Settings:

    • Go to "Settings" > "Discussion" in the WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Adjust Moderation Settings:

    • Adjust settings related to comment moderation, such as the number of links allowed before moderation, and the moderation of comments containing specific words.

WordPress - Moderate Comments


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