- What does the following WordPress code do?
a) Displays the featured image (post thumbnail) of the current post.
b) Retrieves the title of the current post.
c) Registers a new post type named 'thumbnail'.
d) Optimizes database queries for improved performance.
Answer: a) Displays the featured image (post thumbnail) of the current post.
- What is the purpose of the following WordPress code?
a) Resets the current query to the main query.
b) Registers and enqueues a JavaScript file in the WordPress footer.
c) Retrieves the URL of the current theme's stylesheet.
d) Checks if comments are open for the current post.
Answer: a) Resets the current query to the main query.
- What does the following WordPress function accomplish?
a) Includes the footer template file within the current template.
b) Retrieves the title of the current post.
c) Registers a new footer in the WordPress theme.
d) Retrieves data from the WordPress database.
Answer: a) Includes the footer template file within the current template.
- What is the purpose of the following WordPress code?
a) Checks if the current page is a singular post, page, or attachment.
b) Registers and enqueues a JavaScript file in the WordPress footer.
c) Retrieves the number of comments on the current post.
d) Checks if the current page is the home page.
Answer: a) Checks if the current page is a singular post, page, or attachment.
- What does the following WordPress function do?
a) Retrieves the URI of the current theme's directory.
b) Registers and enqueues a JavaScript file in the WordPress header.
c) Retrieves the URL of the current theme's stylesheet.
d) Creates a new WordPress template file.
Answer: a) Retrieves the URI of the current theme's directory.
- What is the purpose of the following WordPress code?
a) Checks if the current page is the home page.
b) Registers and enqueues a JavaScript file in the WordPress footer.
c) Retrieves the number of comments on the current post.
d) Checks if the current page is a singular post, page, or attachment.
Answer: a) Checks if the current page is the home page.
- What does the following WordPress function do?
a) Displays a brief summary of the post content.
b) Retrieves the title of the current post.
c) Registers a new excerpt for the current post.
d) Optimizes database queries for improved performance.
Answer: a) Displays a brief summary of the post content.
- What is the purpose of the following WordPress code?
the_time( 'F j, Y' );
a) Displays the date and time of the current post.
b) Registers and enqueues a JavaScript file in the WordPress footer.
c) Retrieves the number of comments on the current post.
d) Retrieves the title of the current post.
Answer: a) Displays the date and time of the current post.
- What does the following WordPress function accomplish?
a) Enqueues scripts and stylesheets in the WordPress header.
b) Retrieves the title of the current post.
c) Registers a new header in the WordPress theme.
d) Creates a new WordPress template file.
Answer: a) Enqueues scripts and stylesheets in the WordPress header.
- What is the purpose of the following WordPress code?
a) Displays the search form for the WordPress site.
b) Registers and enqueues a JavaScript file in the WordPress footer.
c) Retrieves the number of comments on the current post.
d) Checks if comments are open for the current post.
Answer: a) Displays the search form for the WordPress site.