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React Flux

Flux is an architectural pattern for building scalable and maintainable web applications. It was created by Facebook to address the challenges of managing state in large applications. React, developed by Facebook as well, is often used together with Flux to build efficient and organized React applications.

Flux follows a unidirectional data flow, which means that data flows in a single direction through the application. The Flux pattern consists of several key components:

  1. Actions: Actions are payloads of information that send data from the application to the stores. They are essentially events that describe something that happened. Actions are created by action creators.

  2. Action Creators: Action creators are functions responsible for creating actions. They encapsulate the logic for constructing the actions with the appropriate data and dispatch them to the dispatcher.

  3. Dispatcher: The dispatcher is a central hub that manages all data flow in a Flux application. It receives actions from the action creators and broadcasts them to the registered stores.

  4. Stores: Stores contain the application state and logic. They register with the dispatcher to receive actions and update their state accordingly. When the state in a store changes, it emits a change event to notify the views.

  5. Views (React Components): Views are React components that display the user interface based on the current state of the stores. They listen for changes in the stores and update themselves when the state changes.

Here's a simplified example of how Flux might be implemented in a React application:

// Action Types
const ActionTypes = {

// Action Creator
const addItem = (item) => {
return {
type: ActionTypes.ADD_ITEM,
payload: item,

// Store
class ItemStore {
constructor() {
this.items = [];

handleAction(action) {
switch (action.type) {
case ActionTypes.ADD_ITEM:
// Handle other action types as needed
// Do nothing

emitChange() {
// Notify views that the state has changed
// (This is where a library like EventEmitter might be used)

getItems() {
return this.items;

const itemStore = new ItemStore();

// Dispatcher
class Dispatcher {
dispatch(action) {

const dispatcher = new Dispatcher();

// React Component
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
items: itemStore.getItems(),

componentDidMount() {
// Listen for changes in the store
// (In a real Flux application, you might use a library like Fluxxor or Redux)
itemStore.on('change', this.handleStoreChange);

componentWillUnmount() {
// Unsubscribe from store changes to avoid memory leaks'change', this.handleStoreChange);

handleStoreChange = () => {
items: itemStore.getItems(),

handleAddItem = () => {
// Dispatch an action to add an item
dispatcher.dispatch(addItem('New Item'));

render() {
return (
{, index) => (
<li key={index}>{item}</li>
<button onClick={this.handleAddItem}>Add Item</button>


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