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MongoDB - Drivers

MongoDB provides official drivers for various programming languages, allowing developers to interact with MongoDB databases using their preferred language. These drivers implement the MongoDB driver specifications and provide a convenient interface for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, as well as other functionalities.

Here are some of the official MongoDB drivers for popular programming languages:

  1. MongoDB Node.js Driver:

    • Official npm package: mongodb
    • GitHub repository: mongodb/node-mongodb-native
  2. MongoDB Python Driver:

    • Official PyPI package: pymongo
    • GitHub repository: mongodb/mongo-python-driver
  3. MongoDB Java Driver:

    • Maven Central Repository: org.mongodb:mongodb-driver-sync
    • GitHub repository: mongodb/mongo-java-driver
  4. MongoDB C#/.NET Driver:

    • NuGet package: MongoDB.Driver
    • GitHub repository: mongodb/mongo-csharp-driver
  5. MongoDB Ruby Driver:

    • Official RubyGems package: mongo
    • GitHub repository: mongodb/mongo-ruby-driver
  6. MongoDB Go Driver:

    • Official Go module:
    • GitHub repository: mongodb/mongo-go-driver
  7. MongoDB PHP Driver:

    • Official PECL package: mongodb
    • GitHub repository: mongodb/mongo-php-driver
  8. MongoDB Rust Driver:

    • Official package: mongodb
    • GitHub repository: mongodb/mongo-rust-driver
  9. MongoDB Swift Driver:

    • Official Swift Package Manager package: MongoDB
    • GitHub repository: mongodb/mongo-swift-driver


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