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MongoDB - Delete

In MongoDB, the delete method has been deprecated, and it's recommended to use the deleteOne or deleteMany methods for deleting documents in a collection. Here's an explanation of how to use these methods:

deleteOne Method:

The deleteOne method deletes a single document in a collection that matches the specified filter. Here's the basic syntax:

db.collection_name.deleteOne({ filter_criteria });


db.users.deleteOne({ name: "John Doe" });

deleteMany Method:

The deleteMany method deletes multiple documents in a collection that match the specified filter. It takes the same syntax as deleteOne but affects all matching documents:

db.collection_name.deleteMany({ filter_criteria });


db.users.deleteMany({ age: { $gte: 60 } });


  1. The filter_criteria specify the conditions that documents must meet to be deleted.

  2. If the filter criteria match multiple documents, deleteOne will only delete the first document, while deleteMany will delete all matching documents.

  3. Always handle errors and check the result of the delete operation, which includes information about the number of matched documents and the number of deleted documents.

  4. Deleting documents is a critical operation, so ensure that you have appropriate backups and that you understand the consequences of the delete operation.

These methods are part of the MongoDB CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations and are fundamental for managing data in your MongoDB collections.


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