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MongoDB - collection

A MongoDB collection is a grouping of MongoDB documents. It is the equivalent of an RDBMS table. A collection exists within a single database and does not enforce a schema. In MongoDB, documents within a collection can have different fields and data types.

  1. Dynamic Schema:

    • MongoDB is schema-less, meaning documents within a collection do not need to have the same structure. Each document can have different fields.
  2. Creation:

    • Collections are created implicitly when the first document is inserted. MongoDB creates a collection dynamically as soon as data is inserted into it.
  3. Accessing Collections:

    • In the MongoDB shell, you can access a collection using the db.collection_name notation. For example, db.users refers to the "users" collection.
  4. Inserting Documents:

    • You can insert documents into a collection using the insertOne or insertMany methods.

      db.collection_name.insertOne({ field1: value1, field2: value2 });

  5. Querying Documents:

    • The find method is used to query documents in a collection. It returns a cursor to the documents that match the query criteria.

      db.collection_name.find({ field: value });

  6. Updating Documents:

    • You can update documents in a collection using the updateOne or updateMany methods.

      db.collection_name.updateOne({ field: value }, { $set: { updated_field: new_value } });

  7. Deleting Documents:

    • Documents can be deleted using the deleteOne or deleteMany methods.

      db.collection_name.deleteOne({ field: value });

  8. Indexing:

    • Indexes can be created on fields to improve query performance.

      db.collection_name.createIndex({ field: 1 });

  9. Aggregation:

    • MongoDB supports aggregation pipelines for complex data transformations.

        { $group: { _id: "$field", count: { $sum: 1 } } }


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