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Learn CentOS Operating system

  1. Introduction to Linux and CentOS:

  2. Installation and Configuration:

  3. User and Group Management:

  4. File System Administration:

  5. Networking:

  6. Security:

  7. System Monitoring and Performance Tuning:

  8. Shell Scripting:

  9. Virtualization and Containerization:

    • Introduction to virtualization concepts
    • Managing virtual machines with tools like KVM or VirtualBox
    • Introduction to containerization with Docker or Podman
  10. High Availability and Clustering:

    • Introduction to high availability concepts
    • Configuring clustering solutions like Pacemaker and Corosync
    • Implementing failover and load balancing
  11. Backup and Recovery:

    • Planning and implementing backup strategies
    • Understanding tools and utilities for backup and recovery
    • Testing backup and recovery procedures
  12. Advanced Topics (Optional):

    • Setting up web servers, databases, or other services
    • Working with automation tools like Ansible
    • Exploring cloud integration with CentOS


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