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Laravel - Redirections

In Laravel, redirections can be achieved using the redirect helper function. This function provides a convenient way to redirect the user to a different URL or route. Here are some common use cases for redirections in Laravel:

1. Redirect to a URL:

return redirect('');

2. Redirect to a Named Route:

If you have defined named routes in your routes/web.php file, you can redirect to them by name.

return redirect()->route('');

3. Redirect with Data:

You can also include data in the redirect, which can be accessed using the with method or flashed to the session.

return redirect('dashboard')->with('status', 'Login successful!');

In the above example, you can access the status variable in the redirected view or retrieve it from the session.

4. Redirect with Input:

You can redirect the user back to a previous page with their input intact, which is useful for form validation errors.

return redirect()->back()->withInput();

5. Redirect with Errors:

When performing form validation, you can redirect the user back to the form with errors.

return redirect('form')->withErrors($validator);

In the above example, the $validator should be an instance of Illuminate\Validation\Validator.

6. Redirect with Flash Data:

To store data in the session for the next request, you can use the flash method.

return redirect('dashboard')->with('message', 'Task completed!');

7. Redirect with Status Code:

You can specify an HTTP status code for the redirect.

return redirect('dashboard')->with('status', 'Task completed!')->status(302);

8. Redirecting After a Form Submission:

After processing a form submission, it's common to redirect the user to another page.

public function store(Request $request)
    // Process the form submission

    return redirect('success')->with('message', 'Form submitted successfully!');

Laravel - Redirections


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