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Laravel Artisan commands for cache

  1. Application Cache: This includes route cache, configuration cache, and other cached data.

    php artisan cache:clear 
  2. Route Cache: If you have cached your routes for performance, you can clear them using:

    php artisan route:clear 
  3. Configuration Cache: If you've cached your configuration for performance, you can clear it using:

    php artisan config:clear 
  4. View Cache: If you are using Laravel's view caching feature, you can clear it using:

    php artisan view:clear 
  5. Compiled Class Files: Laravel compiles classes for performance. You can clear compiled classes using:

    php artisan clear-compiled 
  6. Optimize Autoloader: To optimize the autoloader for better performance, you can use:

    composer dump-autoload
  7. Install Intervention Image Package: Make sure that the intervention/image package is installed in your Laravel project. You can install it via Composer by running the following command in your terminal:

    composer require intervention/image


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