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Laravel - Action URL

In Laravel, the action URL refers to the URL that a form or link should point to when it is submitted or clicked. The action attribute in an HTML form specifies the URL where the form data should be submitted. In Laravel, you often use the url() helper function or the action() helper function to generate the proper URL for a given controller method.

Here's an example of how you might use the url() helper function in a Blade view:

<form action="{{ url('your-controller/your-method') }}" method="post">
    <!-- form fields go here -->
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

In the example above, replace 'your-controller' with the name of your controller and 'your-method' with the name of the method in that controller that should handle the form submission.

Alternatively, you can use the action() helper function:

<form action="{{ action('YourController@yourMethod') }}" method="post">
    <!-- form fields go here -->
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

Again, replace 'YourController' with the name of your controller, and 'yourMethod' with the name of the method in that controller.

Using the action() helper function is often preferred as it allows you to change the routing structure without having to update every reference to the URL manually.

Ensure that your routes are properly defined in the routes/web.php file or the appropriate route file for your application.

Route::post('your-controller/your-method', 'YourController@yourMethod');

Remember to adjust the routes and controller/method names according to your application structure.


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