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Error : Can't bind to 'ngForOf' since it isn't a known property of 'li' (used in the '_HomeComponent' component template).

The error message you're encountering suggests that Angular doesn't recognize the ngForOf directive in your component template. This typically happens when the FormsModule or CommonModule hasn't been imported in your module or when the template is not being compiled in the context of Angular.

Here's how you can resolve this issue:

  1. Import CommonModule or FormsModule: If you're using ngForOf in your component template, you need to import CommonModule (if ngForOf is used in a structural directive like <li *ngFor="...">) or FormsModule (if ngForOf is used in a form like <option *ngFor="...">). Ensure that you import the appropriate module in your component's module file (app.module.ts or a relevant module file).

    Example of importing CommonModule:

    import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
        imports: [
        // other module configurations
    export class YourModule { }

    Example of importing FormsModule:

    import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
        imports: [
        // other module configurations
    export class YourModule { }
  2. Check Template Syntax: Ensure that ngForOf is being used correctly in your template. The correct syntax is *ngFor="let item of items" where items is an iterable object in your component.

  3. Angular Context: Make sure you're running the Angular application within an Angular context. Sometimes, if you're using a template outside of Angular, such as in a static HTML file or an environment that doesn't support Angular's templating system, you may encounter such errors.


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