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Creating and managing Controllers

1. Create a New Controller:

  1. Navigate to the application/controllers directory in your CodeIgniter project.
  2. Create a new PHP file for your controller. The file name should match the controller class name.
  3. Define your controller class, which should extend CI_Controller.
  4. Implement methods within the controller class to handle different actions or pages in your application.


defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Welcome extends CI_Controller {

    public function index() {
        // Controller method logic for the index page

    public function about() {
        // Controller method logic for the about page

    // Add more methods as needed

2. Routing Requests to Controllers:

  • By default, CodeIgniter routes requests to controllers based on the URI segment after the base URL.
  • For example, if your base URL is http://localhost/myapp/, a request to http://localhost/myapp/welcome/about will route to the about() method in the Welcome controller.
  • You can customize routing in the application/config/routes.php file if needed.

3. Loading Models and Views:

  • Within your controller methods, you can load models and views as needed to interact with the database and render HTML output.
  • Use $this->load->model() to load models and $this->load->view() to load views.
  • Pass data to views using the second parameter of the load->view() method as an associative array.


public function index() {
    // Load model
    // Call model method to retrieve data
    $data['message'] = $this->welcome_model->get_message();
    // Load view with data
    $this->load->view('welcome_message', $data);

4. Managing Controllers:

  • Organize your controllers logically based on the functionality they provide.
  • Avoid creating overly large controllers by separating related functionality into different controllers.
  • Reuse code by creating base controllers or using CodeIgniter's modular structure.
  • Ensure proper access control and security measures within your controllers to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.

5. Testing:

  • Test your controllers by accessing the corresponding URLs in your browser or through API clients like Postman.
  • Verify that the expected data is retrieved from models and passed to views correctly.
  • Debug any errors or issues encountered during testing and refine your controller logic as needed.


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