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CodeIgniter MCQs with answer part - 7

  1. What is the purpose of CodeIgniter's Email class?
  • A) To manage database connections
  • B) To handle form submissions
  • C) To send emails
  • D) To generate HTML forms

Answer: C) To send emails

  1. How do you load the Email class in a CodeIgniter controller?
  • A) $this->load->library('email')
  • B) $this->email->load()
  • C) $this->email->library('email')
  • D) $this->library('email')

Answer: A) $this->load->library('email')

  1. Which method is used to initialize email configuration in CodeIgniter?
  • A) initialize()
  • B) setup()
  • C) config()
  • D) initialize_email()

Answer: A) initialize()

  1. How do you specify email settings such as the SMTP host and port in CodeIgniter?
  • A) By calling the set_config() method
  • B) By setting configuration options in the email.php config file
  • C) By passing an array of settings to the initialize() method
  • D) Email settings cannot be configured in CodeIgniter

Answer: C) By passing an array of settings to the initialize() method

  1. Which method is used to set email subject and message content in CodeIgniter?
  • A) set_message()
  • B) set_subject()
  • C) set_content()
  • D) set_body()

Answer: B) set_subject()

  1. What is the purpose of CodeIgniter's Encryption library?
  • A) To manage database connections
  • B) To encrypt and decrypt sensitive data
  • C) To handle form submissions
  • D) To generate HTML forms

Answer: B) To encrypt and decrypt sensitive data

  1. Which method is used to encrypt data using CodeIgniter's Encryption library?
  • A) encrypt()
  • B) encode()
  • C) encrypt_data()
  • D) encode_data()

Answer: A) encrypt()

  1. How do you decrypt data using CodeIgniter's Encryption library?
  • A) decrypt()
  • B) decode()
  • C) decrypt_data()
  • D) decode_data()

Answer: A) decrypt()

  1. Which of the following is NOT a valid method to access session data in CodeIgniter?
  • A) $this->session->get()
  • B) $this->session->userdata()
  • C) $this->session->get_userdata()
  • D) $this->session->all_userdata()

Answer: A) $this->session->get()

  1. What is the purpose of CodeIgniter's Benchmark class?
  • A) To measure the performance of code segments
  • B) To manage database connections
  • C) To handle form submissions
  • D) To generate HTML forms


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