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AngularJS Exercises


  1. Create a simple AngularJS application with a controller and a view.
  2. Use ng-model to bind an input field to a variable in the controller.
  3. Implement a basic two-way data binding example.
  4. Create an array in the controller and use ng-repeat to display its elements in the view.
  5. Explore and implement different built-in AngularJS filters (e.g., currency, date, uppercase).
  6. Use ng-if and ng-show directives to conditionally display elements.
  7. Implement a simple form with validation using AngularJS directives.
  8. Explore and use the $http service to fetch data from an external API.
  9. Create a custom filter that formats a string in a specific way.
  10. Use $timeout to delay the execution of a function in the controller.

Controllers and Scope:

  1. Implement a nested controller structure where child controllers inherit from the parent controller's scope.
  2. Use $rootScope to store a variable that is accessible across multiple controllers.
  3. Create a controller that uses the $watch function to monitor changes in a variable.
  4. Implement a controller with methods that perform different actions (e.g., add, delete).
  5. Explore the use of controller aliases using the controllerAs syntax.
  6. Use $emit and $broadcast to send events between controllers.
  7. Implement a controller with a custom method for sorting an array of objects.
  8. Create a controller with a function that filters data based on a specific condition.
  9. Implement a controller with a method that makes a custom AJAX request using $http.
  10. Use $routeParams to retrieve and display parameters from the URL in a controller.


  1. Create a custom directive that changes the appearance of an element.
  2. Implement a directive with an isolated scope and bind variables to it.
  3. Use the link function in a directive to manipulate the DOM.
  4. Explore and use the ng-click directive to handle click events.
  5. Create a directive that dynamically generates HTML content.
  6. Implement a custom directive that performs form validation.
  7. Use the ng-transclude directive to include content within a custom directive.
  8. Create a directive that communicates with a controller using a service.
  9. Implement a directive that animates an element using ngAnimate.
  10. Explore the use of directive priorities in AngularJS.

Services and Dependency Injection:

  1. Create a custom service that performs a specific task (e.g., data manipulation).
  2. Use the $http service to fetch data from an external API in a service.
  3. Implement a service that communicates with a RESTful API.
  4. Explore and use the $q service for handling promises in a service.
  5. Create a service with a method that stores and retrieves data from local storage.
  6. Implement a service that shares data between controllers using dependency injection.
  7. Use the $location service to navigate between different views in a service.
  8. Create a service that manages user authentication using tokens.
  9. Explore and use the $rootScope service in a custom service.
  10. Implement a service that handles exception logging using $exceptionHandler.

Routing and Views:

  1. Set up AngularJS routing using the ngRoute module.
  2. Define multiple routes with different controllers and templates.
  3. Use route parameters to pass data between controllers and views.
  4. Implement nested views using the ng-view directive.
  5. Explore and use route resolve to fetch data before loading a view.
  6. Create a navigation menu with links that navigate to different views.
  7. Implement a "404 Not Found" page for unknown routes.
  8. Use $location to programmatically navigate between views.
  9. Explore and implement route animations using ngAnimate.
  10. Implement a route that redirects to another route after a certain action.


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