PHP oops - Magic Method

What is Magic Method in php?

Magic methods are special methods that are used to perform certain tasks in PHP. Magic methods are started with double underscore (__) as prefix.

  • Magic methods is called automatically and does not require any function call to execute the code inside these functions in php.
  • The function  __construct(), __destruct(), __call(), __callStatic(), __get(), __set(), __isset(), __unset(), __sleep(), __wakeup(), __serialize(), __unserialize(), __toString(), __invoke(), __set_state(), __clone() and __debugInfo() are called as Magic Methods in php
  • Magic method in a class must be declared public.

List of Magic Methods in PHP

  1. __construct()

    __construct() method is called when object is created.

    PHP Example:
    <?php class Aryatechno {
        public function __construct()
            echo "construct is called when object is created.";
    $obj=new Aryatechno();
    construct is called when object is created.
  2. __destruct()
    __destruct() method is called when object is destroyed.

    PHP Example:
    <?php class Aryatechno {
        public function __destruct()
            echo "Destructor is called  when object is destroyed.";
    $obj=new Aryatechno();
    Destructor is called when object is destroyed.
  3. __call($function_name, $argument)
    __call() is triggered when trying to access inaccessible methods in an object context.

    PHP Code Example:

       //code by aryatechno for Method Overloading
       class Aryatechno {
          function __call($name,$arg){
             echo "<br/> Magic method __call is triggered when trying to accees non-existing method course()";
             echo "<br/> Method Name :".$name;
             echo "<br/> Passes Argument in array:".$arg[0];
       $obj = new Aryatechno();

    Magic method __call is triggered when trying to accees non-existing method course()
    Method Name :course
    Passes Argument in array:php

  4. __callStatic($function_name, $argument)
    __callStatic() is triggered when trying to access inaccessible methods in a static context.

    PHP Code Example:
    class Aryatechno
     public static function __callStatic($fun, $arg) {
         echo "<br/>Method that does not exist:" . $fun . " ";
         echo "<br/>parameter list of method that does not exist:"; print_r($arg);
     $obj = new Aryatechno();
     $obj::course("PHP"); // If the method does not exist is called within the object in static manner, then the __callStatic() method will be called automatically.
    Method that does not exist:course
    parameter list of method that does not exist:Array ( [0] => PHP )
  5. __get($property_name)
    __get() is called when reading data from inaccessible (like  protected or private) or non-existing properties.

    PHP Example:
    //code by aryatechno for Method Overloading
    class Aryatechno
        function __get($name)
            echo "<br/> __get magic method is called when reading inaccessiable property";    
            echo "<br/> Inaccessiable variable Name :".$name;

    $obj = new Aryatechno;
    echo $obj->j; //variable j is not available

    __get magic method is called when reading inaccessiable property
    Inaccessiable variable Name :j

  6. __set($property_name, $value)
    __set() is triggered when writing data to inaccessible (like protected or private) or undefined properties.

    PHP Example:
    //code by aryatechno for Method Overloading

    class Aryatechno
        function __set($name,$val)
            echo "<br/> __set magic method is called when writing value into inaccessiable property";    
            echo "<br/> Inaccessiable variable Name :".$name;
            echo "<br/> variable value :".$val;

    $obj = new Aryatechno;
    $obj->i=100; ////variable i is not available

    __set magic method is called when writing value into inaccessiable property
    Inaccessiable variable Name :i
    variable value :100

  7. __isset($property_name)
    __isset() is triggered when isset() or empty() is called on inaccessible (like protected or private) or non-existing properties.
  8. __unset($property_name)
    __unset() is triggered when unset() is called on inaccessible (like protected or private) or non-existing properties.

    PHP Example:

    //code by aryatechno for Method Overloading

    class Aryatechno
        function __isset($name)
            echo "<br/> __isset magic method is called when isset() method is called for inaccessiable property";    
            echo "<br/> variable Name :".$name;
        function __unset($name)
            echo "<br/> __unset magic method is called when unset() method is called for inaccessiable property";    
            echo "<br/> Inaccessiable variable Name :".$name;

    $obj = new Aryatechno;
    isset($obj->p); //variable p is not available


    __isset magic method is called when isset() method is called for inaccessiable property
    variable Name :p
    __unset magic method is called when unset() method is called for inaccessiable property
    Inaccessiable variable Name :p

  9. __sleep()
    __sleep() method is called first while executing serialize(). It returns the object’s property array on cleaning PHP class objects before serialization.

    PHP Example:
    //code by aryatechno for Method Overloading

    class Aryatechno
        public function __construct($val)
            $this->name = $val;
        public function __sleep()
            echo "<br/>It is called when the serialize() method is called outside the class.";
            return array('name');

    $obj = new Aryatechno("PHP");
    echo serialize($obj);


    It is called when the serialize() method is called outside the class.O:10:"Aryatechno":1:{s:4:"name";s:3:"PHP";}

  10. __wakeup()
    __wakeup() method is called while deserialization() is executed. It would reverse work to restore objects properties and resources on invoking deserialization().

    PHP Example:
    //code by aryatechno for Method Overloading

    class Aryatechno
        public function __construct($val)
            $this->name = $val;
        public function __sleep()
            echo "<br/>It is called when the serialize() method is called outside the class.";
            return array('name');
        public function __wakeup()
            echo "It is called when the unserialize() method is called outside the class.
            $this->name = "java";

    $obj = new Aryatechno("PHP");
    echo serialize($obj);

    It is called when the serialize() method is called outside the class.O:10:"Aryatechno":1:{s:4:"name";s:3:"PHP";}
    It is called when the serialize() method is called outside the class.It is called when the unserialize() method is called outside the class. Aryatechno Object ( [name] => java )

  11. __toString()
    __toString() method will be called while using echo method to print an object directly. It is expected to return a string value while using class instances with PHP printing statements.
  12. __invoke()
    __invoke() method is called while trying to call an object in a way of calling function.
  13. __set_state($array)
    __set_state method is triggered while calling var_export(). It is a static method invoked while exporting objects property array and expects such array variable as its argument.
  14. __clone()
    __clone() method is triggered when the object is copied.

    PHP Example:
    //code by aryatechno for Method Overloading

    class Aryatechno
       public function __clone()
            echo " You are cloning the object.".__METHOD__;

    $obj = new Aryatechno();
    $obj2 = clone $obj;

    You are cloning the object. Aryatechno::__clone

  15. __debugInfo()
    __debugInfo() method is called when using var_dump()

    PHP Example:
    <?php class Aryatechno {
        public function __construct()
        public function __debugInfo()
            echo "<br/> Debug info.";
    var_dump(new Aryatechno());
    Debug info.object(Aryatechno)#1 (0) { }



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