PHP Magic Constants

Magic constants are the predefined constants in PHP which is changed depending on where they are used. They start with double underscore (__) and ends with double underscore.
These constants are created by various extensions. There are nine magic constant in the PHP and all of the constant resolved at the compile-time and the regular constant which is resolved at run time.

PHP's magic constants

All of the constants are resolved at compile-time instead of run time unlike the regular constant. Magic constants are case-insensitive.

List of PHP's magic constants

Name Description
__LINE__ It returns the current line number of the file
__FILE__ It returns the full path and filename of the executed file. If it is used inside the include, the name of the included file is returned.
__DIR__ It returns the directory of the file. If it is used inside an include, the directory of the included file is returned. This is equivalent to dirname(__FILE__). This directory name does not have a trailing slash unless it is the root directory.
__FUNCTION__ It returns the function name where this constant is used. It will return blank if it is used outside of any function.
__CLASS__ It returns the class name. The class name includes the namespace if it was declared in (e.g. Pack\Cla). When used in a trait method, __CLASS__ is the name of the class the trait is used in.
__TRAIT__ It returns the trait name. The trait name includes the namespace if it was declared in (e.g. Pack\Cla).
__METHOD__ It returns the class method name.
__NAMESPACE__ It returns the name of the current namespace.
ClassName::class  It does not start and end with the double underscore (__). It returns the fully qualified name of the ClassName. It is useful with namespaced classes.













PHP Code Example for __LINE__:
     echo "Printing at line number " . __LINE__ . "<br>";  
Printing at line number 2

PHP Code Example for __FILE__:
        echo "Print full path of file : ".__FILE__ . "<br>";  
Print full path of file : E:\xampp\htdocs\phptraining\magic_constant.php

PHP Code Example for __DIR__:
   echo "Print full path of directory : ".__DIR__ . "<br>";  
Print full path of directory : E:\xampp\htdocs\phptraining

PHP Code Example for __FUNCTION__:
    //Using magic constant inside function.    
    function get_func(){    
        echo 'The function name is '. __FUNCTION__ . "<br>";   
The function name is get_func

PHP Code Example for __CLASS__:
    //Get Class name using magic constant __CLASS__
    class ARYATECHNO    
        public function __construct() { }    
        function getClassName(){    
             echo "Class name is ".__CLASS__ . "<br>";   
    $obj = new ARYATECHNO;    
Class name is ARYATECHNO

PHP Code Example for __TRAIT__:
    //prints name of the trait   
    trait get_Trait {    
        function print_trait(){    
            echo "Name of the trait :".__TRAIT__. "<br>";  
    class ARYATECH {    
        use get_Trait;    
    $obj = new ARYATECH;    
Name of the trait :get_Trait

PHP Code Example for __METHOD__:
    //Get method name using magic constants
    class MAGIC {    
        public function __construct() {    
                echo "Method name is ".__METHOD__ . "<br>";   
        public function get_method(){    
                echo "Method name is ".__METHOD__."<br>";   
    $obj = new MAGIC;    
Method name is MAGIC::__construct
Method name is MAGIC::get_method

PHP Code Example for __NAMESPACE__:
    namespace PHPCODE;
    //Get namespace name using magic constants
    class package {    
        public function __construct() {    
            echo 'Namespace name is '.__NAMESPACE__."<br>";     
    $obj = new package;   
Namespace name is PHPCODE

PHP Code Example for CLASSNAME::CLASS:
    class CLASSA{    
    echo "Get class name : ".CLASSA::class."<br>";
Get class name : PHPCODE\CLASSA


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