Learn PHP MCQs

Prepare PHP MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

How do you check the existence of a class method in PHP?

1) class_exists()

2) method_exists()

3) function_exists()

4) is_method()

Answer : Option 2

Which PHP function is used to check if a file is readable?

1) is_readable()

2) readable()

3) can_read()

4) file_readable()

Answer : Option 1

Which function is used to perform a case-insensitive string comparison in PHP?

1) strcasecmp()

2) strcmp()

3) stristr()

4) strtoupper()

Answer : Option 1

How can you retrieve the client browser’s details in PHP?





Answer : Option 1

What does the `final` keyword in a PHP class mean?

1) The class can be extended

2) The class cannot be extended

3) The class cannot be instantiated

4) The class can only be instantiated once

Answer : Option 2

Which of the following is the correct way to start a heredoc in PHP?

1) <<

2) <

3) <<

4) <

Answer : Option 3

Which function is used to fetch the next row from a MySQL result set as an object?

1) mysqli_fetch_object()

2) mysqli_fetch_assoc()

3) mysqli_fetch_row()

4) mysqli_fetch_array()

Answer : Option 1

What is the purpose of the `__toString` method in a PHP class?

1) To convert an object to a string

2) To print the class name

3) To convert a string to an object

4) To compare two strings

Answer : Option 1

Which of the following functions can be used to sanitize a string for HTML output in PHP?

1) htmlentities()

2) htmlspecialchars()

3) strip_tags()

4) All of the above

Answer : Option 4

Which function would you use to encode a URL string in PHP?

1) urlencode()

2) urlencode()

3) url_convert()

4) encodeurl()

Answer : Option 1