Learn Magento MCQs

Prepare Magento MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

Which file would you modify to change the default currency in Magento?

1) app/etc/env.php

2) app/etc/config.php

3) app/etc/currency.xml

4) app/etc/store.xml

Answer : app/etc/env.php

What command is used to compile DI configuration in Magento?

1) php bin/magento setup:di:compile

2) php bin/magento di:compile

3) php bin/magento setup:config:compile

4) php bin/magento compile

Answer : php bin/magento setup:di:compile

What does `MagentoFrameworkObjectManagerObjectManagerInterface` provide?

1) Dependency injection

2) Session management

3) Cache management

4) Logging

Answer : Dependency injection

Which of the following is a valid way to access a Magento product collection?

1) MagentoCatalogModelResourceModelProductCollectionFactory

2) MagentoCatalogModelProductCollection

3) MagentoCatalogModelProductFactory

4) MagentoCatalogModelProductCollection

Answer : MagentoCatalogModelResourceModelProductCollectionFactory

What is the default caching mechanism used in Magento?

1) Redis

2) Memcached

3) File system

4) Database

Answer : File system

Which command is used to run setup upgrades for Magento?

1) php bin/magento setup:upgrade

2) php bin/magento upgrade:setup

3) php bin/magento setup:install

4) php bin/magento upgrade

Answer : php bin/magento setup:upgrade

What is the purpose of the `MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplate` class?

1) To render templates

2) To manage layout

3) To handle UI components

4) To manage database connections

Answer : To render templates

Which class is used for managing Magento API authentication?

1) MagentoWebapiModelAuthorization

2) MagentoWebapiModelAuthentication

3) MagentoWebapiModelToken

4) MagentoWebapiModelApi

Answer : MagentoWebapiModelAuthentication

What does the `MagentoFrameworkCacheFrontendInterface` provide?

1) Frontend caching operations

2) Backend caching operations

3) Session management

4) Data persistence

Answer : Frontend caching operations

Which command is used to deploy the static content for the frontend?

1) php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

2) php bin/magento deploy:static

3) php bin/magento static:deploy

4) php bin/magento frontend:deploy

Answer : php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy