Learn Magento MCQs

Prepare Magento MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

What is the main architecture of Magento?

1) MVC (Model-View-Controller)

2) MVP (Model-View-Presenter)

3) MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)

4) Layered Architecture

Answer : Layered Architecture

Which command is used to install Magento via Composer?

1) composer create-project

2) composer install

3) composer update

4) composer require

Answer : composer create-project

What file is used to configure a Magento module?

1) etc/module.xml

2) registration.php

3) config.xml

4) module.config.php

Answer : registration.php

Which database management system does Magento use?

1) MySQL

2) PostgreSQL

3) SQLite

4) MongoDB

Answer : MySQL

What is the purpose of Magento’s `di.xml` file?

1) Dependency Injection Configuration

2) Database Configuration

3) Routing Configuration

4) Cache Configuration

Answer : Routing Configuration

What is Magento’s templating engine called?


2) Twig

3) Smarty

4) Blade

Answer : PHTML

How do you enable a module in Magento?

1) php bin/magento module:enable

2) php bin/magento setup:upgrade

3) php bin/magento deploy

4) php bin/magento module:setup

Answer : php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Which file contains the Magento application entry point?

1) index.php

2) app/bootstrap.php

3) var/.htaccess

4) app/etc/env.php

Answer : index.php

What is the command to clear the cache in Magento?

1) php bin/magento cache:clean

2) php bin/magento cache:flush

3) php bin/magento setup:cache:clean

4) php bin/magento setup:cache:flush

Answer : php bin/magento cache:clean

What does the `MagentoFrameworkAppBootstrap` class do?

1) Bootstraps the Magento application

2) Handles HTTP requests

3) Manages the session

4) Handles database connections

Answer : Handles HTTP requests