Learn Laravel MCQs

Prepare Laravel MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

Which command is used to roll back the last migration?

1) php artisan migrate:rollback

2) php artisan db:rollback

3) php rollback

4) php artisan migrate:reverse

Answer : Option 1

Which Laravel package is used for pagination?

1) Paginator

2) Paginate

3) PaginationHelper

4) LengthAwarePaginator

Answer : Option 4

How do you check if a record exists in Laravel?

1) DB::table()->exists()

2) Model::exists()

3) DB::table()->has()

4) DB::table()->find()

Answer : Option 1

Which of the following is a Laravel Blade directive?

1) @if

2) @check

3) @run

4) @repeat

Answer : Option 1

What is the default file extension for Laravel Blade templates?

1) .blade.html

2) .html.blade

3) .blade.php

4) .php.blade

Answer : Option 3

What is Laravel Homestead?

1) A database system

2) A virtual development environment

3) A PHP version

4) A templating engine

Answer : Option 2

Which command is used to generate a new model in Laravel?

1) php artisan make:model

2) php artisan create:model

3) php make model

4) php artisan build:model

Answer : Option 1

How do you define a one-to-many relationship in Laravel?

1) hasMany()

2) belongsTo()

3) hasOne()

4) hasManyThrough()

Answer : Option 1

Which of the following is used for API routing in Laravel?

1) web.php

2) routes.php

3) api.php

4) app.php

Answer : Option 3

How do you retrieve the last inserted ID in Laravel?

1) DB::getLastId()

2) DB::lastInsertId()

3) DB::table()->lastId()

4) DB::getPdo()->lastInsertId()

Answer : Option 4