Learn Laravel MCQs

Prepare Laravel MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

Which method in Laravel is used to force a redirect to a secure HTTPS URL?

1) secure()

2) urlSecure()

3) forceSSL()

4) redirectSecure()

Answer : Option 2

What does the `hasMany()` method define in Laravel models?

1) A one-to-many relationship

2) A many-to-many relationship

3) A one-to-one relationship

4) A belongs-to relationship

Answer : Option 1

How do you handle API rate-limiting in Laravel?

1) Throttle middleware

2) RateLimit middleware

3) LimitAPI middleware

4) ControlAPI middleware

Answer : Option 2

What is Laravel?

1) A PHP framework

2) A JavaScript library

3) A database

4) A CSS framework

Answer : Option 1

Which command is used to create a new Laravel project?

1) laravel new project

2) php artisan create

3) composer create

4) laravel init project

Answer : Option 1

What is the default session driver in Laravel?

1) file

2) cookie

3) database

4) array

Answer : Option 1

Which file is used to define routes in Laravel?

1) web.php

2) routes.php

3) route.php

4) app.php

Answer : Option 1

How do you run migrations in Laravel?

1) php artisan migrate

2) php migrate

3) php artisan db:migrate

4) migrate

Answer : Option 1

What is Eloquent in Laravel?

1) A templating engine

2) A database abstraction layer

3) A routing system

4) A testing framework

Answer : Option 2

Which method is used to redirect to a route in Laravel?

1) return redirect()

2) redirect()

3) route()

4) back()

Answer : Option 1